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  • Writer's pictureThurrya Vontivillu

Camera Personified

Updated: Feb 8, 2019

The hush of the trees as they sway to the rhythm of the wind and the dust particles dancing in an orange

lit sky shown by the fjord of the rising sun while the city sleeps,I woke up.The early rays seeking to touch every inch of the frame, glittered on my skin as I reflected it back.

I squinted my aperture trying to adjust to the light, and opened it as wide as possible to soak in the picturesque view.

As I panned in awe to get a good glimpse of the scene in front of me, I saw a flock of pigeons

flapping their wings and flying into the orange yonder. I immediately went back to capture this sight. I zoomed my eye a little to get a tighter frame of this. As my heartbeat increased to a rate of ISO 200, I took a deep breath and closed my shutter taking note of every minute detail and engraving

them in my pixels.

Having always shot with a point and shoot camera, I was very excited to try my hand with a DSLR. I was 17 when I got my first DSLR and tried clicking an early morning view from my balcony. It was disappointing that my photo was nothing but a blank white screen but this built curiosity in me and I wanted to learn how it works and this marked the beginning to my photography journey.

Below are a few of my photographs when I started out :

Phewa lake, Pokhara, Nepal 2014

Durbar square, Kathmandu, Nepal

Durbar square, Kathmandu, Nepal

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